Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Testimony Part 14

Later, Rosie,s sister told of a neighbor who had come to their home,some forty miles away. and related a dream with almost the same message from Rosie. Our God is no respecter of persons. He would not bless one family without blessing the other.

We have been told that Jeff also stood at the bedside of a friend he had led to Christ and told him that he would be waiting for him. I praise God for the beautiful manifestations at that time. They brought comfort and assurance to the body of Christ at that time.
This was the second time that our family had been blessed in such a manner. My grandmother on my mother,s side, told about the death of her nine year daughter.
On the day of her death, as my grandparents sat at her bedside,she told them about angels and the beautiful music she was experiencing. " Can,t you hear the music?" she asked her mother repeatedly. A few hours later, she drifted off to the strains of that music especially created for her, a special gift from God that no one else could hear.
We were reminded that God never promised to deliver us from trials and tribulations we would encounter on this earth; only to deliver us in and through them.
He has a plan for each of our lives that is especially designed for us.
Though He never sends disaster to His children,He uses every circumstance,large and small, to mold each of us to fit into His eternal plan.
What Satan meant for evil,God meant for good.

Only eternity will reveal the converts and blessings resulting from Mom,s testimony. She had been a believer since childhood.
God has honored her faithfulness and has truly blessed us through her testimony.

Looking back over Jeff,s post-death message revealed even more exciting blessings and revelations.
1. Jeff said that they were both very happy-an impossibility after such an accident had they not already entered into the presence of the Lord.
"To be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord" ( 2 Corinthians 5:8)

2. Had they seen Jesus? Oh, Yes they had seen Him.
Where is He now? He is everywhere, proving that Jesus is omnipresent- able to be everywhere at all times.

3. Have you seen Abraham,Isaac and Jacob?
No Mamie,but their are so many people here....I have seen your mother and father,proving that when a born-again christian goes home he is gathered unto his own,just like the Bible say,s. Abraham,Isaac and Jacob died and were" gathered unto their own. Jeff also died and was gathered unto his own.
Jeff couldn,t have possibly known his great grandfather, a devout Christian who had passed away long before Jeff was born. His great grandmother died only a few months after his birth.

Because Jeff was always so faithful to call home and let us know where he was.,Jesus allowed him to call one last time before we meet again in heaven.
Jeff was always calling home,saying, " Hi Mom " or " Hi Dad." This is Jeff" Dad would respond," Jeff Who?" then they would both laugh. Whether He was to be 15 minutes or two hours late, he always let us know in advance.

Jeff,s first words to my mother were, " Hi, Mamie, this is Jeff."
Coincidence? Perhaps. But the reality of God is ever present in our lives if we will only be sensitive to His Holy Spirit.

To be continued. Thanks for being so patient and reading my blog. Roberta

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm all caught up...By the blood of the Lamb and through the word of their testimony, they have overcome the evil one. Revelations..

Oh beloved sister,,,thank you for sharing your heart with us, and for allowing us to see the power and glory of God displayed through it..
