Friday, February 20, 2009

My testimony part 16

About this time some of the couples in our church were adopting children. Since we had three boys , we were hoping that a baby girl might come our way. We had applied a couple of years earlier and had been told that baby girls were not often available in our area. Still, we were trusting God to bring it to pass.
Giving ones self to raise a special child for Jesus seemed like a wonderful idea. We were all excited when our application was approved by the state. Through there were no available babies at the time, we decided that since we wern,t in any hurray, we,d pick out a name for her, then settle down to wait. We decided to call her Kimberly.

Little did we know that by the time she arrived, Jeff would have already gone home to be with the Lord.
In the meantime we had become acquainted with an eight-year- old girl who had been brought into our church by a family which often boarded foster children.
She had had a very rough start in life. Sadly abused and extremely shy, she seemed in dire need of a permanent home and someone to love her.
She was so sweet,and we started bringing her home with us on Sunday afternoons and during school vacations. She soon fit not only into our home but also into our hearts.
For more than a year, she visited with us at those special times and we all loved her.
We had been praying about what we should do, as our social worker had informed us that Maxie had once again become available for adoption.
We were already having a hard time thinking of her being uprooted again.Perhaps we would never see her again, and she would be torn from what little love and security she had known.
We asked God for a sign to help us to do the right thing about adopting her.
One year to the day of Jeff,s accident, God moved Maxie into our home.
Skeptics would say it was coincidence. We knew that it was God,s love for us,placing His seal of approval and once again proving Himself to us.

Finally came the day when we received a phone call from the state, telling us there was a baby girl available.
To be continued, God Bless, Roberta


Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Hmm for some reason this is my favorite part of the testimony. I can't quite put my finger on why though! LOL. I Love you MOM!!!

Debra Kaye said...

Now I've got a lump in my throat...God is so good!

Jennifer said...

I'm going to cry! God is so good and He blesses us with all that we are in need of.

God bless you!